
Consensus Gentium | Credit: Karen Palmer
Consensus Gentium | Credit: Karen Palmer

Consensus Gentium
Interactive Film / Karen Palmer / 2022 / 25 min / UK (English Only)

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Chewing Gum Man
Live Painting / Ben Wilson

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Das Teilchenuniversum
Augmented Reality App & Walk / University of Göttingen & University of Hamburg / Germany / 2023

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Die wehrhafte Demokratie
Participation / Tell us what you think / Deutschlandfunk Kultur / 2023

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3-Channel Video Installation / Marleine van der Werf / Netherlands / 2023

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Goliath: Playing with Reality
Virtual Reality / Anagram / GB / 2021 / 25 min / English

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House Unmoored
Video Installation / Ben Andrews, Emma Roberts / Australia / 2023 / 18 min

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Jamais Vu: Turbulence (Work in Progress) 
VR Experience / Ben Andrews, Emma Roberts / Australia / 2023 / 10 min

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Poster exhibition, installation / Germany / 2023

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4-channel video installation / Gatti Technologies, Mashup Pictures / Australia / 2022 / 28 min

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Virtual Reality / Superflex / Denmark / 2022 / 5 min

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Submerged - Underwater
Installation / Crossover Labs / GB/ 2023

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The Chapel of very Small Creations
Video Installation / Simone Hooymans / Norway / 2022 / 7 Minuten Loop

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The Deep Sea
Web game / Neal Agarwal

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Installation / Antonia Ablass / Germany / 2023

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... or how serious science turns into serious fun. Come and play with us!


Arcade / Matajuegos / Argentina / 2022

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Arcade / David O’Reilly / 2017

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Gibbon Beyond the Trees
Arcade / Broken Rules / Austria / 2022

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Minecraft Frozen Planet
Arcade / Microsoft in cooperation with BBC Earth / Sweden, Great Britain / 2022

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Arcade / Osmotic Studios / Germany / 2016

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while True: learn()
Arcade / Luden.io / Cyprus / 2018

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