Documentary Campus gGmbH
Schwanthalerstr. 76 RGB, 4th Floor
80336 München, Germany
Fon: +49-89-410 739-30
Fax: +49-89-410 739-39
Represented by the Board of Directors and the Director Donata von Perfall.
Court of Registration: Amtsgericht München / Registergericht
Number of Registration: HRB 272349
VAT Registration Number: USt-ID DE 241757058
Responsible for the content according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Donata v. Perfall
Documentary Campus gGmbH
Schwanthalerstr. 76 RGB, 4th Floor
80336 München, Germany
Copyright and Trademark
The content and the material on the website are underlying copyright laws. They may not be modified, reproduced, publicly displayed, performed, distributed or used for any public or commercial purposes without the explicit written permission from the appropriate content or material provider.
This imprint also applies to the social media pages of the SILBERSALZ Festival. This includes the Facebook pages ("Silbersalz Festival", all events and groups of the festival), the Twitter account and the Instagram account: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
The Documentary Campus logo is a registered trademark of Documentary Campus gGmbH.. Use of that mark requires permission from Documentary Campus gGmbH.