- Leopoldina
- German
- Ticket

How does Freedom work with AI?
Hardly any other technology is currently shaking up our lives (or at least view of our future lives) as much as AI. It awakens hopes and desires, but also fears. Can it be fair at all? Are we putting ourselves in the hands of a few tech companies? Are we losing freedom through AI?
Theresa Züger explores the theory and practice of how AI systems must be designed so that they not only benefit individuals, but also the common good. Her goal: an inclusive, human rights-friendly and sustainable AI. Jürgen Geuter (known as tante on the internet) has been taking a critical look at current developments in AI and behind the hype. In a panel discussion with them and other guests, we will talk about AI for the common good, “empty innovation” and how we want to preserve our freedom in a world with AI.
An event in cooperation with the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Theresa Züger, Head of the Public Interest AI Research Group, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)
Jürgen Geuter/tante, consultant and author

Jürgen Geuter
Consultant, author
Dr. Aljoscha Burchardt
Principal Researcher, Research Fellow, and Deputy Site Director of the DFKI