Pollinator breakfast

Bestäuberfrühstück | Credit: iDiv
Bestäuberfrühstück | Credit: iDiv

Pollinator breakfast
We would have to do without these foods if there were no insects

In countries like China, it's already happening: people are running around with sticks and brushes to pollinate fruit trees because there aren't enough insects left alive. Could this soon also "blossom" for us in the literal sense?

We want to show you what is left on plates when we take away all the products that come from pollination at a little breakfast. Come along and grab some tasty nibbles. Experience how plants, animals, agriculture and climate are related and what we can do together to preserve the diversity in the air and thus on our plates.

Dr. Demetra Rakosy, Spatial Interaction Ecology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ & iDiv / Prof. Dr. Robert Paxton, General Zoology, Institute of Biology, MLU Halle-Wittenberg & iDiv

In cooperation with: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

Curious now? Then stay and watch the film "Flower Power" and the "Biodiversity Show".

Dr. Demetra Rakosy | Credit: Demetra Rakosy

Dr. Demetra Rakosy

Postdoc Spatial Interaction Ecology
Prof. Dr. Robert Paxton | Speaker at SILBERSALZ 2023 (credit: Markus Deutsch/MLU)

Prof. Dr. Robert Paxton

Chair of General Zoology