Cell Worlds

Cell Worlds | Credit: Youenn Lerb
Cell Worlds | Credit: Youenn Lerb

Cell Worlds
Immersive Experience / Renaud Pourpre, Terence Saulnier, Youenn Lerb / Frankreich / 2023 / Nominee Science & Media Awards 23

Would you be willing to embark on a journey into a poorly known world that is actually at the heart of each of us? With the documentary Cell Worlds, meet a hidden biodiversity: our cells. A journey of emotions to discover unsuspected forms, colors and microscopic behaviors. Migrations, hunts, symbioses and even communications, who would have thought that the infinitely small was so grandiose?
Cell Worlds is the first documentary offering a oneiric experience with a hidden biodiversity: our cells. The work presents the popularization of science under a new narrative: emotion at the service of awareness and knowledge.
The documentary proposes a synergistic alliance of images, sound and narration, which gives way to real moments of contemplation of scientific research. This journey to the heart of the microscopic can be completed by an immersive experience at the Bassins des Lumières in Bordeaux: Cell Immersion.

In Kooperation with the Department for Science and Technology of the French Embassy and the French Institute Germany.
The Department for Science and Technology of the French Embassy is an outpost of French research in Germany. Its mission is to intensify scientific and technological cooperation with our most important partner.