Eine Frage des Anfangs

SILBERSALZ Festival 2022 - Eine Frage des Anfangs

Theatre / Ann Sam Bell, Acting: Sabine Flack, Philipp Nägele, Production: Philipp Nägele, Text & Direction: Nelly Winterhalder / 75 min / German

Fanny and Holger are a well-off, childless couple in the here. If they hadn't been born here, they would have been born far away. They would be a different couple, because Fernab is a place where it doesn't rain.
In flowing changes of scene and role, Fanny and Holger jump from the here to the far away. What happens here has consequences far away - and vice versa. Absurdity and reality go hand in hand, but: What is coincidence? Is there room for manoeuvre? And where is the beginning of it all?

A Question of the Beginning is a virtuosically interwoven play about the desire to have children in times of climate change, about idealism and love of life, about economic hardship and emotional insecurity, about worldwide butterfly effects and about the fish that ate one bait too many.

More info: https://annsambell.com/de/werke/eine-frage-des-anfangs/