Lukas Dubro

Journalist | Literary scholar | Editor Kapsel Magazin
Lukas Dubro | Speaker at SILBERSALZ 2021 (credit: Yanina Isla)
Lukas Dubro | Speaker at SILBERSALZ 2021 (credit: Yanina Isla)

Lukas Dubro (*1987) is a journalist and literary scholar living in Berlin. He did his Master's degree at the Free University in Applied Literary Studies. He started the magazine Kapsel for scifi literature from China (2017) and the magazine Cartouche about pop culture from Berlin (2012). Since 2015, he has been taking care of social media and press relations at the initiative Acud Macht Neu and oversees the literature series. Since the beginning of 2018, he has also been working as a freelance editor at the Landesbüro Ost of the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. He has written regularly for taz, Spex and the Melodie und Rhythmus.