Kai Kupferschmidt

Freelance Science Writer

Kai Kupferschmidt, born in 1982, studied molecular biomedicine at the University of Bonn, then attended the Berlin Journalism School and works as a science journalist in Berlin. His work focuses on infectious diseases and global health. He is a contributing correspondent for the US journal "Science". He also writes for the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung", "Die Zeit" and other major German-language media. He is the author of the book "Blau - wie die Schönheit in die Welt kommt" (Blue - How Beauty Comes into the World), published by Hoffmann und Campe. Kai Kupferschmidt is co-founder of the Pandemia podcast and has won numerous awards, including the Media Prize of the German Aids Foundation.


Unterhausdebatte Franckesche Stiftungen | Credit Martin Jehnichen

House of Commons debate on child poverty, origin, access to education and equal opportunities